Plans by Halton Region to extend Burnhamthorpe Road puts significant areas of Glenorchy Conservation Area and the surrounding Areas of Natural and Scientic Interest (ANSI) at risk. It's time to step up and let local politicians know this is NOT acceptable. Speak up and tell your representatives that you care about this issue. Let's make a difference! Keep it Wild!
Here is a sample letter you may choose to use by copying and pasting into an email. Be sure to fill in your name when sending it out:
I'm writing today to express my concerns and objections about the plans to extend Burnhamthorpe Road through Glenorchy Conservation Area and the surrounding ANSI (Area of Natural and Scientific Interest). After all the recent celebrations about securing this new green space, it is disheartening to hear that Region staff intend to allow a road to dissect numerous high impact areas and species at risk.
Glenorchy has been declared a Conservation Area and is in an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI). Putting in a road sends the wrong message- that people and cars come before nature, that it's okay to carve up sensitive green space and it discourages the use of public transportation. Allowing the building of this road will set a bad precedent and will permanently impact the largest remnants of interior forest and contribute to further habitat fragmentation in the surrounding ANSI.
I hope you will consider these points when it comes to the decision making process.
(Your name here)
Here is a list of local politicians you can send your email to:
Regional Chair: Gary Carr
E-mail: gary.carr@halton.ca
Bus: 905-825-6115
Mayor Rob Burton: oakvillemayor@gmail.com
Ward 1 Regional & Town Councillor Alan Johnston
e-mail: ajohnston@oakville.ca
Ward 1 Town Councillor Ralph Robinson
e-mail: rrobinson@oakville.ca
tel:905-845-6601, ext. 3700
Ward 2 Regional & Town Councillor Fred Oliver
e-mail: foliver@oakville.ca
tel: 905-849-5669
Ward 2 Town Councillor Cathy Duddeck
e-mail: cduddeck@oakville.ca
tel: 905-845-8374
Ward 3 Regional & Town Councillor Keith Bird
e-mail: kbird@oakville.ca
tel: 905-844-5571
Ward 3 Town Councillor Mary Chapin
email: mchapin@oakville.ca
tel: 905-845-6601 ext. 6008
Ward 4 Regional & Town Councillor Allan Elgar
email: aelgar@oakville.ca
tel: 905-827-6056
Ward 4 Town Councillor Roger Lapworth
e-mail: rlapworth@oakville.ca
tel: 289-837-1346
Ward 5 Regional & Town Councillor Jeff Knoll
e-mail: jknoll@oakville.ca
tel: 905-815-6000
Ward 5 Town Councillor Marc Grant
e-mail: mgrant@oakville.ca
tel: 905-815-6001
Ward 6 Regional & Town Councillor Tom Adams
e-mail: tadams@oakville.ca
tel: 905-849-7915
Ward 6 Town Councillor Max Khan
e-mail: mkhan@oakville.ca
tel: 905-845-6601
Mayor Gord Krantz: gord.krantz@milton.ca
Local & Regional Councillor Barry Lee Wards 1 and 3
Email: barry@barrylee.ca
Home: 519-824-0679/(For 905 constituents please call 1-888-317-2292)
Local & Regional Councillor Colin Best Wards 2 and 4
Email: colin.best@milton.ca
Home: 905-878-3623
Local Councillor Richard DayWard 1
Email: rick@daylaw.ca
Home: 905-878-3953/Bus: 905-844-8581
Local Councillor Brian Penman Ward 1
Email: BrianPenman@hotmail.com
Home: 905-878-9529
Local Councillor Mike Boughton Ward 2
Email: mikeboughton@sympatico.ca
Cell: 905-691-1990
Local Councillor - Greg Nelson Ward 2
Email: greg.nelson@milton.ca
Phone: 905-864-9860
Local Councillor Cindy Lunau Ward 3
Email: cindy.lunau@milton.ca
Home: 519-853-3772
Local Councillor Jan Mowbray Ward 3
Email: jan@janmowbray.ca
Home: 519-853-4492
Local Councillor Wendy Schau Ward 4
Email: wendy.schau@milton.ca
Home: 905-878-3216
Local Councillor Paul Scherer Ward 4
Email: paul.scherer@milton.ca
Home: 905-876-2214/Cell: 905-691-4288
Provincial Representatives:
Kevin Flynn- MPP
Email: kflynn.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org
Tel: 905-827-5141
Ted Chudleigh- MPP
(905) 691-2222
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