
The ANSI sustains 90 breeding bird species, with 54 of them significant species (Table 3). There are three provincial special concern species, Red-shouldered Hawk, Cerulean Warbler and Red-headed Woodpecker. Another 13 species are considered rare in site district 7E4 including Turkey Vulture, Sharpshinned Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, Purple Finch, Northern Mockingbird, Eastern Bluebird, Blue-winged Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Black-and-White Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Pine Warbler, Brown Creeper and Clay-colored Sparrow. Another 38 species are considered conservation priority bird species in forest, wetland and open country habitats based on Bird Studies Canada (Couturier 1999).  Source : Candidate Sixteen Mile Creek Valley Life Science Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) Report, MNR, 2006.

Many rare bird species have been spotted at Glenorchy and the Sixteen Mile Creek ANSI :

Coopers Hawk

Bird Species Tallies
and lots more at wingedthoughts