Sunday, May 22, 2011

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler singing in the Sixteen Mile Creek at Glenorchy in the vicinity of the proposed James Snow Parkway.  Recorded May 22, 2011.     

Black-throated Green Warbler is a probable breeder in the Sixteen Mile Creek ANSI and is locally rare in MNR site district 7E4 being known from 25% or less of the breeding bird 10x10km squares that cover site district 7E4.  It is a conservation priority level 1 species, based on Bird Studies Canada (Couturier, 1999).  It is a forest bird species with the highest sensitivity to forest cover in southern Ontario.
Source: Candidate Sixteen Mile Creek Life ANSI report

Listen to the song from BirdJam

Cool Facts (source :  Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
The male Black-throated Green Warbler sings persistently during the breeding season. One individual was observed singing 466 songs in one hour.

The male Black-throated Green Warbler tends to sing his "zee-zee-zee-zoo-zee" song near the middle of his territory, largely in the beginning of the breeding season to attract females. He sings the "zoo-zee-zoo-zoo-zee" song mostly around the territory's margins, to deter other males.

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